Rani Kaur, Author at Litairian

Posted by Trudie Dory on Saturday, August 3, 2024


I work in National University of Singapore( NUS ), a leading global university centred in Asia, supporting the academic fields of research and teaching. My philosophy of life is very simple. I practice 3 virtues to life daily namely GRATITUDE-be grateful for everything. ACCEPTANCE- to accept all situations in life as blessings for a better tomorrow. Practicing HUMILITY OF HEART permits me to respond to and learn from criticism without becoming defensive. It also allows me to be aware of my successes and failures without being arrogant or emotionally devastated. I’m a very optimistic person and believe that optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. I believe in myself! Life is an opportunity given to me to become a better person everyday. The most beautiful thing I wear is confidence and believes that you will only shine if you are you! as we are all unique in our own ways. Loads of Love Balbir Rani Kaur
